Below are the various types of royalties that may be available to an artist:
Sound Recording Copyright Mechanical Royalties (Domestic & International) Composition Performance Royalties – BMI, ASCAP or SESAC Musicians Fund Neighboring Rights Sync License Fees Master Use License Fee Audio Visual Royalties |
Advertising Revenue Download Sales Interactive Streaming Non Interactive Streaming Live Performance Youtube Performance Royalties AARC (Hometaping) Record Label Royalties |
Not all of the above royalties apply to all artists. We at ARMS, research and identify which ones you are missing out on and help you recover everything that’s owed to you.
- We assign a company email that we will both have access to in order to sign you up and register your catalog to all the different platforms that may owe you money. Through that email, you will be able to receive statements, view agreements, transactions and conversations regarding your royalties.
- We believe in COMPLETE transparency at all times that’s why unlike other companies, YOU receive any checks or deposits under YOUR name. We do not get paid unless you get paid. Because some platforms operate on a quarterly or bi-yearly payment system, complete registration may take anywhere from 6 months to 1 year.
- We have flexible contracts that give you 100% ownership over your work and more control over your future. All artist royalty situations are unique. We research all international revenue streams to identify where you are missing out and make sure you are properly registered and fully collected.
- In addition, we help the artist increase their royalty income by utilizing the latest promotional tools to help raise their streams.


Interview with David Salas of Artist Royalty and Music Services – Muzique Magazine
Tell us how and when you decided to become an entrepreneur? Well, I had been a music producer/composer for over 25 years. I have had the privilege to write and produce music for such luminaries as Smokey Robinson, Jenni Rivera, Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas, Frankie J, Baby Bash, MC Magic and hav …